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SingularityNET Ecosystem Updates: August 2024

By SingularityNET September 2, 2024 | 61 min read

In August’s edition of our Ecosystem Roundup, we present the latest advancements and milestones across our decentralized AI Platform and the wider SingularityNET ecosystem. Key highlights include an update on our AGI Supercomputer, a collaboration with BNB Chain, and the publication of the first five OpenCog Hyperon RFPs on the Deep Funding Portal.

Additionally, we provide progress reports from our Ambassadors and ecosystem projects, highlighting the dynamic growth within our ecosystem.

Furthermore, we reflect on the 17th Annual AGI Conference, exploring how it showcased groundbreaking AI research and facilitated discussions on the potential of AGI systems, the challenges in achieving human-level intelligence, and the ethical considerations surrounding AI development.

Finally, we highlight notable media coverage, reinforcing SingularityNET’s position as a leader in the decentralized AI space.

SingularityNET News and Updates

AGI Supercomputer Update

In late July, we announced a $53 million investment to further the development of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), and ultimately, Artificial Superintelligence (ASI).

The first phase, which will utilize half of the $53M investment, will be allocated to the creation of the world’s first modular supercomputer dedicated to decentralized AGI evolution and disruptive ASI research, while also building state-of-the-art High-Performance Computing (HPC) and AI data centers. These advancements will harness Ecoblox’s ExaContainer modular data center (MDC) solutions that incorporate cutting-edge GPUs and CPUs from Nvidia, AMD, and Tenstorrent, and the most advanced AI servers from ASUS and GIGABYTE.

This new supercomputer will start to come online in September and the first phase will be completed by the end of 2024 or early 2025, depending on supplier delivery timelines. This supercomputer in itself will be a breakthrough in the transition to AGI. While the novel neural-symbolic AI approaches developed by the SingularityNET AI team decrease the need for data, processing, and energy somewhat relative to standard deep neural nets, we still need significant supercomputing facilities.

The mission of the computing machine we are creating is to ensure a phase transition from learning on big data and subsequent reproduction of contexts from the semantic memory of the neural network to non-imitative machine thinking based on multi-step reasoning algorithms and dynamic world modeling based on cross-domain pattern matching and iterative knowledge distillation. Before our eyes, a paradigmatic shift is taking place towards continuous learning, seamless generalization, and reflexive AI self-modification.

Our team is also working on future projects to further expand this network with AGI / ASI-specific hardware to create the most disruptive experimental hardware solutions possible. This project is ever-evolving and this $53 million is just the beginning of something very exciting for our organization.

Collaboration With BNB Chain

We announced a collaboration with BNB Chain to revolutionize the blockchain-based decentralized data economy. This partnership aims to achieve several key objectives, spanning various timelines and technical implementations, notably integrating our AI infrastructure with BNB Greenfield storage infrastructure and enhancing our Internet of Knowledge initiative by integrating ecosystem participants, identity providers, and infrastructure partners.

Looking ahead, we will explore the integration of our AI Platform with BNB Smart Chain to strengthen our multi-chain capabilities. This integration is expected to unlock new opportunities for collaboration and innovation across multiple blockchain ecosystems.

Strategic Initiatives Office Update

The Strategic Initiatives Office (SIO) is a cross-functional team dedicated to advancing SingularityNET’s position in the decentralized AI space. The SIO focuses on the strategic design, proposal, and execution of SingularityNET’s initiatives, focusing on commercialization, revenue modeling, and resource orchestration.

The following table shows the number of currently active partnerships:

OpenCog Hyperon RFPs

The Deep Funding team announced a new decoupled process for Request For Proposals (RFPs), marked by the release of the first five OpenCog Hyperon RFPs. This strategic shift was marked by the simultaneous release of the first five OpenCog Hyperon RFPs during the 17th Annual AGI Conference, setting the stage for a more dynamic and efficient approach to proposal solicitation.

At the core of this initiative is a streamlined RFP process, designed to enable SingularityNET and its partners to outsource critical tasks to the community effectively. These RFPs are designed to deliver concrete value to both the decentralized AI Platform and the Hyperon project. This approach highlights the commitment to fostering meaningful contributions from the ASI community while advancing the broader goals of the Foundation.

A key feature of this new process is the independent lifecycle of each RFP. This structure promotes continuous activity within the Deep Funding ecosystem throughout the year, creating a more vibrant and engaged community. Looking ahead, the initiative plans to expand its scope to include ‘Community-driven RFPs’, a move that will further empower community members to participate in every stage of the process, from initial ideation to the publication of finalized RFPs.

We encourage you to explore the inaugural set of five Hyperon RFPs, which are available for viewing in presentation mode. While the submission of proposals is not yet open, the Deep Funding team has provided a discussion tab for each RFP. This feature serves as a platform for inquiries, allowing interested parties to seek clarification and deepen their understanding of the requirements. RFP owners have committed to addressing all questions, ensuring that all potential participants have a clear and comprehensive grasp of each request’s objectives before the submission phase begins.

Develop interesting demos in MeTTa ($100,000)

Create and maintain captivating and/or useful demos using SingularityNET’s MeTTa programming language. This RFP aims at bringing more community adoption of MeTTa and engagement within the MeTTa ecosystem.

Create corpus for NL-to-MeTTa LLM ($35,000)

Develop a MeTTa language corpus to enable the training or fine-tuning of a large language model (LLM) aimed at supporting developers by providing a natural language coding assistant for the MeTTa language.

Develop a framework for AGI motivation systems ($50,000)

Develop a modular and extensible framework for integrating various motivational systems into AGI architectures, supporting both human-like and alien digital intelligences.

Implement clustering heuristics in MeTTa ($15,000)

The goal is to implement clustering algorithms in MeTTa and demonstrate interesting functionality on simple but meaningful test problems. This serves as a working prototype guiding the development of scalable tooling providing similar functionality.

Demonstrate the use of CMA-ES for training transformers ($40,000)

Explore and demonstrate the use of evolutionary methods (EMs) such as Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) for training various Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) including transformer networks. Such exploration could include using EMs to determine model node weights, using EMs to evolve DNN/LLM architectures, or even using EMs for conceiving and designing completely new “evolutionary DNNs” (e.g. integrating LLM and evolutionary methods in new DNN architectures, with LLM for direction and evolution for invention).

BGI Roundtable – Horizons in AGI: Collaborative Governance for a Beneficial Future

In the lead-up to the 17th annual AGI Conference, a virtual roundtable was convened to explore the critical topic of collaborative governance for AI and AGI. This thought-provoking discussion aimed to examine various approaches to public and institutional participation in shaping the future of these transformative technologies. The event brought together a diverse panel of experts, each bringing unique perspectives from different sectors of the AI and AGI landscape.

David Wood, Chair of the London Futurists, skillfully moderated the discussion, guiding the conversation through complex territories of technological advancement and ethical considerations. The distinguished panel included Dr. Ben Goertzel, CEO of SingularityNET and Chairman of the AGI Society, Dr. Anneloes Smitsman, Co-Founder and CEO of EARTHwise, and Dr. Trent McConaghy, Founder of Ocean Protocol. The panel was further enriched by the presence of Dr. Elizabeth Shaw, Founder of 1000 Black Voices, Dr. Gabriel Axel Montes, Founder of Neural Axis, and Dr. Scott David, Executive Director of the Information Risk and Synthetic Intelligence Research Initiative at the University of Washington.

Throughout the roundtable, the panelists explored the multifaceted challenges facing AI and AGI governance. They highlighted the importance of multi-stakeholder collaboration, recognizing that the complexities of these technologies demand diverse viewpoints and expertise. Part of the discussion focused on the role of governments in AI regulation, with panelists debating how regulatory bodies can effectively collaborate with industry leaders and academic institutions to create balanced and informed policies.

The roundtable also delved into the pressing issue of global disparities in AI regulation and governance. Panelists discussed strategies for bridging these divides, emphasizing the need for inclusive, cross-border dialogues and knowledge sharing. They explored potential frameworks for international cooperation that could help ensure that the benefits and risks of AI and AGI are addressed on a global scale.

A key theme that emerged was the importance of public input in AI policy decision-making. The experts discussed various mechanisms for gathering and integrating public perspectives into governance structures, recognizing that the widespread impact of AI necessitates broad societal engagement. They debated the challenges and opportunities of creating truly participatory governance models, including decentralized governance where diverse voices can meaningfully influence the direction of AI development and deployment.

The discussion also touched upon the critical question of measuring the effectiveness of inclusive governance approaches in AI. Panelists proposed various metrics and assessment frameworks, highlighting the need for both quantitative and qualitative measures to capture the full impact of governance initiatives.

Interdisciplinary collaboration emerged as an important factor in developing effective AI governance models. The panelists shared their insights on fostering collaboration across diverse fields such as computer science, ethics, law, social sciences, and policy-making. They discussed approaches to breaking down silos between disciplines and creating platforms for meaningful exchange and co-creation of governance frameworks.

This virtual roundtable served as a compelling prelude to the 17th AGI Conference, offering a rich context for the presentations and discussions that took place in Seattle. By bringing together diverse perspectives and tackling complex governance issues head-on, the event exemplified the kind of multidisciplinary, forward-thinking approach necessary to navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by the rapid advancement of AI and AGI technologies.

SingularityNET’s Technical Tuesdays

The ‘SingularityNET’s Technical Tuesdays’ series explores the development of the SingularityNET decentralized AI Platform, advances in the OpenCog Hyperon framework for AGI and beyond, and highlights how we are translating our AI and AGI R&D ideas into systems for real-world use cases.

Scaling the MeTTa AGI Language

On Tuesday, August 6th, 2024, we sat down with Dr. Matt Ikle, CSO of SingularityNET, Douglas Miles, AI Engineer at SingularityNET, Adam Vandervorst, AI Researcher and Developer, and Greg Meredith, CEO of F1R3FLY.io, to explore the different parallel approaches we are taking to scale the MeTTa language for cognitive computations in a decentralized fashion. Specifically, we discussed:

– The rationale behind taking parallel approaches to MeTTa (Meta Type Talk) interpretation and compilation;

– The benefits and advantages of each approach;

– Current optimization priorities and remaining challenges;

– Potential use cases in development or under consideration.

Ambassador Program

The SingularityNET Ambassador Program is a community-driven initiative that strengthens the transparency and decentralization of our ecosystem, recognizes the valuable contributions made by our Ambassadors, and rewards their achievements.

In August, our Ambassadors actively contributed to the SingularityNET ecosystem in the following ways:

  • As it was August, many Workgroups (WGs) took a break from meetings: not only a much-needed rest, but also a chance to focus on async work, reflect, and plan for the future;
  • A key focus has been planning the timetable for agreeing on the WGs’ budgets for Q4. This process is an important element of how the Program works and engages people with decentralized decision-making;
  • The R&D Guild has instituted a bold new Proposal Submission System, designed to increase decentralization by engaging the whole Program in selecting the research and tool-building proposals to be developed by the Guild in Q4; 
  • Ambassador Program members have been engaged in several public engagement and outreach initiatives in August. LatAm Guild participated in the Aleph Pop Up City event in Buenos Aires from 12-13 August, where they showcased SingularityNET and Deep Funding to a broad audience of developers and enthusiasts; and at the AGI-24 conference in Seattle on 13-16 August, members of the AI Ethics WG ran a chillout room/watch party each day. They also presented breakout rooms at the “pre-event” Round Table on August 7th, covering several interesting topics: the ethics of AI anthropomorphization; Indigenous cultures’ approaches to AI;  and AI-human collaboration and the Common Good.

To learn more about these recent developments, explore the Archives or watch the recordings of the SingularityNET Ambassador Program’s August Town Hall meetings on YouTube:

If you are interested in getting involved and joining our community-driven guilds and workgroups, please join our Discord server and navigate to the How to Join section for guidance.

Ecosystem News and Updates


SingularityDAO is a decentralized portfolio management protocol designed to revolutionize crypto asset management.

  • ReformDAO’s token generation event on the SingularityDAO launchpad sold out;
  • SingularityDAO and Pentagon Games formed a strategic partnership;
  • The SingularityDAO DeFi Hub dApp’s Menu UI has been updated based on community feedback for improved navigation;
  • The SingularityDAO ecosystem is set for a significant evolution to enhance the utility of the SDAO token;
  • A new SDAO staking solution has been introduced.


Rejuve Biotech focuses on identifying new targets and pathways for therapies that could mitigate age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease, and cancer through advanced AI, cross-organism insights, and cutting-edge multi-omics research.

  • The Rejuve.Bio Crowd Fund continues to grow, raising more than $270K;
  • Presented a demo of Rejuve.Bio’s Neurosymbolic Hypothesis Generation tool at the 17th Annual Artificial General Intelligence Conference;
  • Sponsored and participated in the 11th annual Aging Research and Drug Discovery Meeting (ARDD 2024) in Copenhagen, Denmark;
  • CEO Kennedy Schaal spoke during the ARDD 2024 Startup Pitch session to showcase how Rejuve.Bio is leveraging advanced AI and Machine Learning to develop innovative solutions for longevity treatments and aging-related diseases.


Cogito provides institutional-grade investment products by bringing traditional financial assets onchain.

  • Cogito has announced a new partnership with Polytrade, with TFUND now featured in their Discovery Mode, making it more accessible to users;
  • The team also confirmed two upcoming speaking appearances: Sandra Grabowiec at EthWarsaw and LC Stroud at EthMilan;
  • Recently, they attended Polkadot’s Web3 Summit in Berlin, where they had the opportunity to meet notable figures like Ethereum co-founder Gavin Wood;
  • CEO Cloris Chen appeared on the Future Tech Podcast, where she discussed the transformative impact of tokenization and AI on financial markets;
  • Their team also participated in an Xr Space discussion with IX Swap, Plume Network, and others, focusing on innovations in RWAs.

Jam Galaxy

Web3 Music Studio leverages AI, blockchain & DePIN infrastructure to transform how artists and fans experience music.

  • Throughout August, the Jam Galaxy team has been dedicated to product advancement, concentrating on their ultra-low latency network infrastructure and refining the user interface. The team has also expanded with the addition of several new developers;
  • In addition to the web browser interface, two additional user entry points are in the development pipeline. First, a Node Operator App that enables participation in the network for those with a decent internet speed. Hardware requirements have been reduced for broader accessibility, even on older laptops. Second, a Telegram Mini App that allows the streaming of jamming sessions from friends or favorite artists directly within Telegram. A gamification model is being incorporated to enhance user experience;
  • As part of their ongoing product development, the team also completed a Proof of Concept on the blockchain testnet, rewarding node network participants with tokens and measuring node latency;
  • Jam Galaxy’s recent participation at WebX Japan provided valuable insights into current industry trends and technologies.

Twin Protocol

Twin Protocol enables you to create a digital version of yourself to capture your unique skills, knowledge, and personality that you can share with others through a tokenized marketplace.

  • The Twin team launched the Digital AI Twin of Gloria Feldt, co-founder of “Take the Lead” and former CEO of Planned Parenthood, on Women’s Equality Day.


NuNet is building a globally decentralized computing framework, individually rewarded via a tokenomic ecosystem based on NuNet Utility Token (NTX).

  • The NuNet team published their Q1-Q2 operational update, highlighting significant advancements, strategic collaborations, and team expansion;
  • The team is preparing to release their Device Management Service (DMS) 0.5.x milestone in Q3.
  • NuNet announced a partnership with The Posemesh, a leader in spatial computing. This collaboration marks a significant step forward in their shared vision of pushing the boundaries of technology by combining the power of decentralized infrastructure with cutting-edge spatial computing solutions.

Latest SingularityNET Events and Conferences

SingularityNET, as a global leader in the fields of AI, AGI, social robotics, and the intersection of AI and blockchain technology, is regularly sought out to provide thought leadership on a global stage.

In the past month, our team participated in the following key events:

17th Annual AGI Conference

The 17th Annual Artificial General Intelligence Conference (AGI-24), a four-day event dedicated to exploring the frontiers of AGI, brought together researchers, developers, and thought leaders from around the world. The Conference featured workshops, keynote talks, and AGI research technical paper presentations, focused on consideration for creating machines that think.

The first day of the Conference was characterized by intensive workshops and tutorials spread across three rooms, with a parallel BICA*AI Society virtual conference running alongside. In Room 1, attendees immersed themselves in the world of OpenCog Hyperon, beginning with a hands-on workshop where participants were introduced to the MeTTa language for cognitive computations and delved into its fundamentals and advanced applications. The afternoon session in this room shifted focus to OpenCog Hyperon applications, featuring presentations on PRIMUS, Neoterics, Mind Children, PLN/Pattern Matcher, Rejuve.Bio’s Neural-symbolic Hypothesis Generation, MeTTa-NARS, NACE, Sophiaverse Unity, and more.

Simultaneously, Room 2 hosted a morning tutorial on Interpretable Natural Language Processing (INLP), bridging the gap between AGI and NLP. This was followed by an extended NARS Tutorial and Workshop in the afternoon, offering attendees a deep dive into the NARS reasoning system. In Room 3, the morning workshop explored episodic memory for motivational agents, emphasizing the emerging paradigm of hyperdimensional computing (HDC). The afternoon session in this room focused on autonomous thinking and reasoning for ML workflows with AGI, demonstrating the practical application of AutoGPT in enhancing efficiency and performance in machine learning processes.

The second day of the Conference opened with remarks from key figures in the AGI community, setting the stage for a series of thought-provoking keynotes and paper presentations. Dr. Josef Urban’s keynote on ‘solving one-third of the OEIS from scratch’ was followed by a session of contributed papers on mathematical tools in systems theory, planning, and computability. The afternoon featured keynotes by Dr. Ben Goertzel on Hyperon-based minds and Dr. John Laird on integrating cognitive architecture and generative models. The day concluded with stimulating keynotes from Dr. Joscha Bach on the cyber animist perspective on AGI and Dr. Paul Rosenbloom on the implications of intelligence.

The third day delved deeper into the theoretical and practical aspects of AGI. Dr. François Chollet’s keynote on defining, measuring, and building general intelligence set the tone for the day. This was followed by a session of contributed papers on causality and a keynote by Dr. Geordie Rose introducing a novel class of games requiring quantum computing. The afternoon saw Dr. David Spivak advocating for a mathematical framework accounting for relationships and motivations in computational efforts, followed by a contributed papers session on category theory and complexity in AGI. The day concluded with Dr. Alex Ororbia’s keynote on predictive coding and biomimetic intelligence.

The final day of the Conference shifted focus to the societal and ethical implications of AGI. Dr. Gary Marcus’s keynote revisited his keynote from AGI-21, noting that many of the issues he highlighted then are still relevant today despite significant advances in AI. A session on AI safety, alignment, and ethics was followed by Dr. David Hanson’s keynote proposing a framework for incorporating characteristics of living beings into AI. The afternoon featured Dr. Christof Koch’s exploration of the distinction between consciousness and intelligence, followed by a session on consciousness, creativity, and trust in AGI. The Conference concluded with keynotes by Dr. Alexey Potapov on the evolution of AI-generated images and Dr. Patrick Hammer on experiential learning, followed by closing remarks and awards announcements.

A highlight of the conference was the presentation of awards recognizing outstanding contributions to the field of AGI. The prestigious Kurzweil Prize for Best AGI Paper, carrying a $1250 award, was presented to Arash Sheikhlar and Kristinn Thórisson for their work on “Causal Generalization via Goal-Driven Analogy.” The AGI Society Prize for Best Paper, with a $1000 award, went to Leonard M. Eberding, Jeff Thompson, and Kristinn R. Thórisson for their paper on “Argument-Driven Planning & Autonomous Explanation Generation.” The Springer Prize for Best Paper, also carrying a $1000 award, was given to James Oswald, Thomas Ferguson, and Selmer Bringsjord for their work titled “A Universal Intelligence Measure for Arithmetical Uncomputable Environments.” Finally, the OpenCog Foundation’s Best Student Paper award of $250 was presented to Michael Timothy Bennett for his paper on “Computational Dualism and Objective Superintelligence.” These awards not only recognized the exceptional quality of the winning papers but also highlighted some of the most innovative and promising directions in current AGI research.

Throughout the Conference, several key themes emerged, including the development and application of OpenCog Hyperon and MeTTa language, advancements in interpretable natural language processing, the potential of hyperdimensional computing for episodic memory, and the integration of autonomous reasoning in machine learning workflows. The Conference also highlighted ongoing research in cognitive architectures, the application of various mathematical tools to AGI problems, and the critical importance of addressing AI safety, alignment, and ethics.

The AGI-24 Conference provided a comprehensive exploration of current research, developments, and challenges in the field of Artificial General Intelligence. The diverse range of topics covered, from technical workshops to philosophical discussions, reflected the multidisciplinary nature of AGI research and its potential societal impacts. By bringing together experts from various subfields and fostering dialogue on both technical and ethical aspects of AGI, the Conference highlighted the rapid advancements in the field and the growing need for collaborative, responsible development of these transformative technologies.

SingularityNET Community Spotlight

We are fortunate to have some great community leaders who actively contribute to the growth and development of the SingularityNET ecosystem. Here are some of the latest community-created initiatives that showcase the creativity and collaborative spirit thriving within our ecosystem:

Join our vibrant community to dive deeper into the world of SingularityNET and discover how you can participate in shaping a more decentralized and democratized AI future. Connect with us on Discord and explore our Ambassador Program for opportunities to collaborate, learn, and contribute to our shared vision.

SingularityNET in the News

Recent media coverage highlights the progress we are making, the partnerships we are forging, and the thought leadership we are providing in the AI space:

We are proud of the work our teams and community accomplished in August, and we remain committed to continuing to lead the way in decentralized AI and the quest for beneficial AGI.

About SingularityNET

SingularityNET was founded by Dr. Ben Goertzel with the mission of creating a decentralized, democratic, inclusive, and beneficial Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). An AGI is not dependent on any central entity, is open to anyone, and is not restricted to the narrow goals of a single corporation or even a single country. The SingularityNET team includes seasoned engineers, scientists, researchers, entrepreneurs, and marketers. Our core platform and AI teams are further complemented by specialized teams devoted to application areas such as finance, robotics, biomedical AI, media, arts, and entertainment.

Decentralized AI Platform | OpenCog Hyperon | Ecosystem

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* Disclaimer: Content published by SingularityNET is meant for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a recommendation to buy or sell any security in a self-directed account and is not an offer or sale of a security. Any investment is not directly managed by SingularityNET or Rejuve.Bio. All investments involve risk, and the past performance of a security or financial product does not guarantee future results or returns. Potential investors should seek professional advice and carefully review all documentation before making any investment decisions.

** Disclaimer: Content published by SingularityNET is for educational purposes only. It does not constitute investment advice or a recommendation to buy or sell securities. All investments involve risk, and the past performance of a security or financial product does not guarantee future results or returns. Potential investors should seek professional advice and carefully review all documentation before making any investment decisions.

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