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Discover the mAGIc of BGI 24: A Convergence of Minds for Beneficial AGI

By SingularityNET January 8, 2024

Discover the mAGIc of BGI 24: A Convergence of Minds for Beneficial AGI

Ready to participate in the mAGIc of BGI 24? Join the BGI 24 Challenge and prepare for the upcoming Summit and Unconference with pre-events, discussions, and AI challenges.

BGI 24 is an extraordinary event, set to redefine the future of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), and your chance to be involved begins now.

Greetings Singularitarians,

The BGI 24 Summit will be a landmark gathering, set to unfold in Panama City from February 27 to March 1, 2024, and promises to shape the future of AGI as a force for good. Leading up to this exciting event, SingularityNET is excited to announce the BGI 24 Challenge — your chance to immerse yourself in the vibrant pre-event activities, including:

  • Thought-provoking panel discussions and pre-event webinars — hosted by leading figures in the field of AGI and AI Ethics these live events will drive into critical aspects of this rapidly evolving technology.
  • Exciting challenge groups — connect with other curious individuals in conversation and collaborate on practical AI projects that align with beneficial AGI principles.
  • Network Opportunities with AGI enthusiasts from around the globe — share insights, expand your knowledge, and build connections that will shape the future of AGI.

Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity to be part of the mAGIc of the BGI 24 Summit and Unconference!

Join today and embark on this transformative journey alongside some of the brightest minds in the field:

Everyone is invited to join the Beneficial AGI Academy on WhatsApp or Telegram

What is BGI 24?

BGI 24 is a groundbreaking global Summit and Unconference of intimate discussions among world-renowned AGI leaders, futurist thought leaders, AI ethicists — and you! This pioneering event promises profound, impactful conversations and broad, inclusive participation; this event will be a nexus for change in the AGI world, whose impact depends on all of us to get involved.

Imagine a global campfire, a gathering of the brightest minds and the most passionate hearts discussing critical emerging topics, such as:

  • Benefits and risks of AGI,
  • Current and future regulatory landscape,
  • Practical ethics,
  • Decentralized governance of AGI,
  • And more.

These timely topics affect the future of all of us, and we all have a part alongside the thought leaders, innovators, and visionaries from diverse regenerative communities who are coming together to share, learn, and collaboratively envision an AGI-powered future. This unique convergence, blending in-person dialogues with a worldwide online Unconference, is where the mAGIc of AGI begins to unfold.

How to Participate in BGI 24

This event will be a not-to-be-missed opportunity for AGI specialists, tech pioneers, curious learners, and AI aficionados — BGI 24 is a calling for a diverse audience. It’s a rare opportunity for anyone passionate about the future of AGI to mingle with top minds and contribute to a pivotal global conversation. There will be opportunities for all communities to participate before, during, and after the event:

BGI Pre-events (Now through Feb 27)

  • Start here: BGI Pre-event Series Kickoff — Dr. Ben Goertzel sat down with Ibby Benali, covering topics from the ethical implications of AGI to its potential benefits and risks, as well as how BGI 24 will foster global conversation and help us shape the future of AGI together.
  • Join now: BGI Challenge Groups (December 18, 2023 — February 23, 2024) Immerse yourself in the world of AI with the Beneficial AGI Challenge. Join our challenge groups (General Challenge: WhatsApp & Telegram; Developers Challenge: WhatsApp & Telegram)
  • Continue the Conversation: Engage in weekly livestreams, webinars, and panel discussions.

BGI 24 Summit — Live Event in Panama City (Feb 27 — Feb 28, 2024)

  • The BGI 24 Summit — top thought leaders have been invited from around the globe, detailed discussions of a wide range of questions regarding various approaches to AGI and their ethical, economic, psychological, political, environmental, and other implications.

BGI 24 UnConference — Panama & Online (Feb 29 — Mar 01, 2024)

  • The Live and Virtual UnConference — A general public event, this face-to-face live and online event is geared towards fostering in-depth, wide-ranging discussions with a global audience. These participant-driven sessions allow attendees to bring forward their ideas and steer their discussions in parallel working sessions around a common theme. Our goal is to spearhead practical initiatives to accelerate the development of beneficial AGI beyond the event.

? BGI-24 Full Agenda

What is the Beneficial AGI Challenge?

Are you curious about the world of Artificial Intelligence and its impact on our lives? Do you want to be part of an innovative and diverse community exploring the positive potentials of AI and AGI? Then, the Beneficial AGI Challenge is perfect for you!

The BGI Challenge is the best way to start participating in the Beneficial AGI Summit — join a robust online community of AGI enthusiasts and get updates on the event, complete daily tasks that educate you, and get rewards based on your participation!

What to Expect?

  • Explore various aspects of Beneficial AGI, covering AGI’s ethical dimensions, practical applications, and its alignment with human values.
  • Engage in daily tasks that blend learning, reflection, and action.
  • Join a supportive community sharing insights and discoveries.

Grow, Learn, and Share:

  • Enhance your understanding of AGI’s role in our world.
  • Apply AI in practical, ethical, and creative ways in your daily life.
  • Collaborate and connect with like-minded individuals.

Ready to Start?

And don’t forget…

Spread the Word — Invite friends and curious-minded people in your network to this enriching experience. The more, the merrier as we embark on this journey of discovery together and unlock the Beneficial potential of AGI!

Let’s see some mAGIc!

BGI 24 is more than an event; it’s a vital chapter in the AGI narrative, blending insights of leaders with global voices, a convergence of minds shaping a positive future for all. The BGI 24 Challenge and BGI 24 event are everyone’s opportunity to be part of this transformative experience, where every conversation and idea contributes to a future where AGI uplifts humanity.

The AGI story is unfolding right now, and BGI 24 is where its next chapter begins — with you as a key player. As BGI 24 approaches, don’t miss the opportunity to learn, share, and collaborate through our pre-series events. Join us, and let’s create some real mAGIc together at BGI 24!

About SingularityNET

SingularityNET is a decentralized Platform and Marketplace for AI services founded by Dr. Ben Goertzel with the mission of creating a decentralized, democratic, inclusive, and beneficial Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

  • Our Platform, where anyone can develop, share, and monetize AI algorithms, models, and data.
  • OpenCog Hyperon, our premier neural-symbolic AGI Framework, will be a core service for the next wave of AI innovation.
  • Our Ecosystem, developing advanced AI solutions across market verticals to revolutionize industries.

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